Friday, August 7, 2009

Sweets and Healthy Kids on Halloween



It’s not a surprise how children just love Halloween.  Kids adore it when they get to dress up like their favorite ghosts or monsters is  loads of fun, the parties are always extra ghoulishly exciting, and those pumpkins instantly get every kiddo in the mood for a nice scare.  But what do kids really love about Halloween?  This is a no-brainer, for sure.  Sweets! Candies! And lots of them! This is the time when modern and retro sweets combine forces and to make a big candy out of this one special night.  And every  retro sweetshop as well as those selling newer candies are well aware of this.  Moms and dads though might be worried about all that sugar.  But it’s not a hopeless situation.  There are things adults can do to keep the kids still healthy while not stopping them from satisfying those sweet teeth.


You can’t possibly deprive kids of eating sweets because that would be too cruel.  Besides, you wouldn’t want to take their childhood away from them.  Even adults would sometimes like to relive memories of those old-fashioned sweets they used to adore.   The kids can have a limit, though, on how much candy they collect while trick or treating.  A wise thing to do would be to have them walk from one house to another rather than drive them.  The walking will not only allow them to lose all that sugar through their sweat, whether they’ve had some of those adorable retro sweets or their new versions. They’ll also end up visiting less houses and, therefore, collecting less candies.  Having them visit only houses of friends should be a good idea.


If you’re worried that Halloween candy might encourage your children’s passion for sweets, let them know it’s okay not to eat everything they get their hands on.  Tell them to throw away  those candies that aren’t so attractive.  While they may choose to hold on to every type of sweets, including those you yourself love to loved get from the retro sweetshop and reminisce with, you will have taught them the value of thinking before eating and not have them just put anything in their mouths.


Honestly, all those sweets won’t really do your kids harm as long as you’re able to instill in them the importance of eating healthy food.  Make sure they go trick-or-treating on full tummies.  This way, you’ll cut their appetite for those candies, retro sweets or versions.  Since all that sugar is bound to make them thirsty, make sure to have them bring some water or milk to neutralize the effect.  


Halloween to your kids is more often than not a celebration of all things sweet and lovely. And they actually need these sweets to supply their bodies with energy and have them grow up to become strong, healthy adults. 





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