There's no doubt about liquorice being one of the most beloved favorites of the retro sweets generation. Anyone who really digs it wouldn't mind having it red or black, firm or soft or slimy or gummy. But just in case you're hoping to get an in depth look at this unique- flavored candy and what makes each variety different from the others, read on.
If you're looking for that unique liquorice root taste, you'll find it with the black variety . The red ones and other types won't give you anything near the root's natural flavor. Black liquorice undoubtedly has a very strong following due to its distinct wintergreen flavor, although these days, it's more appreciated for its texture. But then again, color won't matter more than the fact that these old-fashioned sweets are such lovely reminders of how life was so sweet back when we were kids. Licorice' history dates back even farther into 17th century Europe where people now pay tribute to the 12th of April each year as National Licorice Day.
Then and now, there have been many brands of the candy and anybody might find it difficult to choose which one to buy. Whether you're talking about retro sweets or the newer varieties, look for those made with real licorice root extract. Not all licorice-tasting candies actually have extracts of the root, so it's good to research on which ones do. Healthy licorice candy would be that which has molasses and not corn sugar.
This candy root may also come as an American or Australian variety depending on its properties. American licorice may be firm and rubbery or a bit waxy in texture. Both taste the same, though, and differences in taste will depend on the brands. On the other hand, Australian licorice comes with a richer and fresher taste and a smoother texture.
This root is actually a health food on its own and its extracts are enough to provide relief to common conditions such as sore throats, coughs and cold. While it may be tempting to keep munching on those licorice sweeties in the hope of curing a common cold, too much of it may not be good for the liver. In fact, it can cause liver disease for those who are already predisposed either by genetics or a pre-existing liver condition. Even in candies, medicinal or not, it is important to remember that moderation is essential in maintaining one's health.
A wholesale retro sweetshop is the best place to get those retro sweets you may be fancying reminiscing your childhood with. Surprise your family at dinner with licorice you used to have a lot of fun with when you were all small with the biggest sweet teeth. If you've got children of your own, it could be a great way to introduce them to a whole range of retro sweets they'll surely love listening to your stories over.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Retro Sweets Liquorice
Posted by Aquarterof at 4:40 AM 0 comments
Just Jelly Beans
If you love your sweets with the extra excitement of rainbow colors and chewy goodness, you'll adore Jelly Beans. You 've probably adored it as one of those retro sweets which now easily let you slip into nostalgia just by looking at them. Jelly beans are a type of candy that comes in a great variety of mostly fruity flavors. As their name suggests, they're the size of a red kidney bean, some even smaller, but the smile they put on anyone's face is big.
Talk about Jelly Bean Love Hearts, Assorted Gourmet Jelly Beans Bucket, Dinky Glass Jar - Assorted Gourmet Jelly Beans, Caribbean Coconut Gourmet Jelly Beans, Strawberry Smoothie Gourmet Jelly Beans, Tangerine Gourmet Jelly Beans or Blueberry Pie Gourmet Jelly Beans. See if your mouth hasn't watered yet. One goes crazy with this treat beginning with its hard candy shell that progresses into a chewy inside. Definitely, the beans aremade of sugar, but hear ye, dieters, one bean equals only one calorie. What's more exciting is you can have them in different flavors and come up with a totally new taste that's just as loveable any one of them. Yummy!
If the gummy interior of the beans intrigues you, it actually has something to do with a candy back then which they called Turkish delight. It was exactly the same type as the beans with its hard shell that got chewier and chewier as one got nearer into the core. This candy appeared in the late 17th century but it wasn't until the American Civil War when the modern jelly beans debuted while being given out to soldiers in the Union Army. By the 1930's, they became the proverbial Easter candies we know today obviously due to their egg shapes.
Jelly beans are easy to chew and love but they may not be that easy to make. Unlike lollipops and toffees for which you can always ask mom for a classic recipe, these beans need just a bit more complicated ingredients such as emulsifying and anti-foaming agents . On top of that, they have to be subjected to a certain temperatures and conditions to create the exact toughness on the outside and chewiness on the inside. Ingredients will, of course, vary depending on the flavor.
Although jelly beans sound like such kiddie candies, a former US president was once secretly crazy about them he actually kept a jar of right on his desk. People say their increase in popularity just might have something to do with that. Or then again, it could be the beans themselves which are now sold in a tasteful assortment of eight flavors from cherry to licorice to cotton candy and more. If you would have some Glass Gift Jar - Gourmet Jelly Beans, Dinky Glass Jar - Strawberry Gourmet Jelly Beans, Wild Cherry Gourmet Jelly Beans, Dinky Glass Jar - Granny Smith Apple Gourmet Jelly Beans or Dinky Glass Jar - Blueberry Pie Gourmet Jelly Beans, you'll know exactly what this variety means.
Order from a wholesale retro sweets shop and you'll taste all those jelly bean memories you had when you were a kid and couldn't stop chewing them. Wholesale retro sweets are also great for parties and corporate functions. Or just get those beans and love them all over!
Labels: jelly beans, jelly beans sweetshop, retro sweets jelly beans
Posted by Aquarterof at 4:25 AM 0 comments
Shaping Up with Sherbets
If you've made a promise to stay thin and away from candies for life, you might just break it. Those retro sherbets you adored as a kid are making a comeback and they're bound to find their way to you. But don't worry, you could be the same light and happy gal because these sherbets are typically diet-friendly. They used to be one of the healthier retro sweets that mom never asked you to give up when you were a kid, remember?
Now remember these. Double Dip Original with its twin fruity fizzy dip choices and a swizzelstick for a dipping, Cola Crystals that were literally crystals tasting like Coke, Watermelon and Apple Fizz Balls, which were Fizz Bombs' famous taste-alikes we loved more for their apple-watermelon splash in our mouths and, of course, Sherbet Fountains with their sherbet and liquorice stick sticking out with a certifiable oomph from the tube's end. These are all sweet memories we'd always love to go back to and without the excess baggage. That's because sherbets are essentially made of fruit juice and water, thus, expect only healthy types of sugar in them. Even if you had truckloads of those Strawberry Fountains , that wouldn't have made a difference still in your tendency to gain weight or develop diabetes. This is the reason why sherbet sweets are some of the healthiest sweets in town.
Sherbets began as sweetened diluted fruit juice in the Middle East which later found its way to Europe. There, it evolved into a carbonated drink. Because the original sherbet had fruit and would be frozen with snow, it later became a frozen dessert by 1891 while closely resembling fruit-flavored ice then already known as sorbet. Today, sherbets could be anything from juice to ice cream to frozen dessert to, yes, candies. And these are the kinds of candies you won't avoid whatever weight-loss diet you're on. In fact, they could help by coming in handy for your taste buds. At least, these sweet little thingies have very low caloric content compared to that double-deck burger you've been fantasizing about for two days.
Whether or not you're still passionate about these old-fashioned sweets, they can sure make your tummy happy in between meals which is could be exactly what you need to be able to stick to your program and be happy while in it.
Get online and start looking for an Internet-based wholesale retro sweetshop to order those retro sweets you always loved as a kid and could always use as an adult as you try to melt those fats away without the torture.
Labels: sherbet sweets, sherbets, sherbets sweetshop
Posted by Aquarterof at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Bean There, Ate That
We may have encountered jelly beans as retro sweets when we were kids but they've actually been around since nearly a century. Everybody just loves this sweet concoction of sugar, gelatin, corn syrup and food starch and their appeal isn't waning. In fact, jelly beans and the rest of our favorite old-fashioned sweets are back, thanks to wholesale retro sweetshops for bringing these sweeties back to life (although they were never really gone.)
Jelly beans have always been around with their characteristic tough coating and chewy core. This was exactly what we loved about them when we were kids, but it was also why mom never made them like she would make us lollipops and caramels. It actually takes a special technique called sugar panning to create these sweet little beanies. It also took a machine and other specialized equipment but nevertheless, even if mom never made them, we were crazy about them.
The brands we drooled over, Jelly Bean Love Hearts, Assorted Gourmet Jelly Beans Bucket, Dinky Glass Jar - Assorted Gourmet Jelly Beans, Caribbean Coconut Gourmet Jelly Beans, Strawberry Smoothie Gourmet Jelly Beans, Tangerine Gourmet Jelly Beans, Blueberry Pie Gourmet Jelly Beans, Glass Gift Jar - Gourmet Jelly Bean and more, are still available today. If you don't want to deal with the disappointment of not finding what you're looking for, buy from an online wholesale retro sweetshop as they usually have the widest varieties available. The same old different fruit, spice and novelty flavors will be available for your picking. Whether you want berry, cola, mint, orange or whatever it was that made you such a bean tooth, you can place orders from either for an assortment of flavors or for any one in particular. You can also buy the spiced ones with gumdrops or any other combination you might want to suggest.
Those old-fashioned sweets have, indeed, been more than candy to most of us. At the very least, they've become a culture altogether. Each year, manufacturers produce more than 15 billion beans in the US alone and for Easter alone. Imagine how much the world makes the whole year through! If they weren't such a phenomenon, April 22 wouldn't be National Jelly Bean day.
Best of all, these beanies make up part of our childhood that we know we'll never get over. But who says we need to? For your high school reunion, order jelly beans along with other wholesale retro sweets and get everyone all nostalgic. Surely, the party will end with a lot more laughter and tears for the fun of being able to relive those memories that come with each jelly bean you pop.
Posted by Aquarterof at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fruity Fantastic Sherbets!
Some kids may have skipped their fruits at mealtime, but they would never skip their sherbets. These sugar-fruitty joys are all captured in those old-fashioned sweets that we all couldn't get enough of. Whether they came big and hard or powdery, fruit or geometric-shaped, hard or syrupy, these sherbets gave us a whole meaning to the world of fruits and maybe as kids, we would have loved it to stay that way.
We'll never forget our teeny weeny Sherbet Pips that gave us a big fruity smile, our Refreshers, totally sweet and fizzy, the king of retro sweets, poppy sweet Space Dust-Strawberry, Sugar Free Sherbet Oranges if we got queasy around sugar, and a lot more. With every sherbet candy we could get, we had loads of happy memories to relive and be glad about. That's not to mention Magic Colour Changing Space Dust!, Sherbet Fountains, Sherbet Lemons Space Dust - Cola, Space Dust - Cherry, Sherbet Pips, Double Lollies, ABC Alphabet Letters, Dip Dabs, and so much more! Your online wholesale retro sweetshop will be more than glad to partner with your on your nostalgic pursuits.
Although sweet is all we could think of when we talk sherbet, the word is actually more interesting than that. In fact, it is often confused with sorbet which is a French word for a fat free water and fruit-based frozen dessert that's anything but milk or ice cream. It does come with sweetener while others play it up with alcohol and chocolate. Sherbet, on the other hand, could mean many different things depending on where you're using it. In the US, it's something like sorbet but it comes with the creamy twist of milk and a variety of fruity flavors from lime to orange and is used to make fruit punch or alcoholic drinks. In Turkey, the word means a cold drink with rose hips, licorice and many other spices. Turks even believe sherbets have healing effects and make mothers produce milk after childbirth. In the UK, it is simply yet sweetly a type of candy you'll get in straws and with fizzy powder usually added to drinks. The British are particularly crazy about Flying Saucers which come with eatable rice paper in different colors on the surface and that beloved sherbet fizz of powder on the inside.
If you loved your Blackcurrant Giant Flyers, Candy Necklaces, Raspberry Crystals and every fruity fantastic sherbet ever created, you'll be glad they're making a comeback. Get those wholesale retro sweets for every family occasion. Even for corporate events, those beloved old-fashioned sweets just might add color to all that socializing.
Log on to an online wholesale retro sweetshop and let the sweet memories roll!
Labels: retro sweets
Posted by Aquarterof at 5:02 AM 0 comments
Lickin' Liquorice
Anybody who's ever been child in the seventies (and a little of the eighties) surely has his own licorice candy favorite. Licorice is certainly one of the world's most delightful sweets and it's not just because of its unique, rooty flavor. This candy is a powerhouse of health benefits that you won't find in any other retro sweets. This gives it a strong edge over the others because it satisfies the kids' sweet tooth and gives them nourishment as well.
If you ever went crazy over such licorice faves as Black Jacks, Pascalls Liquorice Comfits, Bassetti, Strawberry Twisters, Mighty Imps, Pascalls Pontefract Cakes, Catherine Wheels, Lions Sports Mixture and so on, you'll have a brand new appreciation of these delights after knowing they're such exceptional health treats as well. Those who know licorice simply as a candy will find it interesting that all its unique flavor comes from the fact that it is a root. In fact, it has been used for centuries as medicine for a lot of illnesses and its history is quite rich and colorful. The Chinese have been using its health wonders for over 5000 years. Even ancient philosopher, Hippocrates, is known to have been a fan of this herb which is said to be nearly twice as sweet as sugar. And the Greeks used it in a variety of ways to promote their health aside from being mainly used as a natural thirst quencher.
Licorice is very unique as a candy because though it is sugar sweet, it's being used by diabetics to help control their blood sugar levels. It works by increasing one's blood glucose in a matter of minutes after a serving, thus helping those who don't eat as much food as they need.
If you've been having to battle a nicotine addiction for years, you'd probably like to be addicted to any of those very sweet and healthy licorice treats as well. Doctors themselves recommend the sweeties to those who have had to quit smoking but unsuccessfully so for years. The candy is said to help smokers overcome their fixation on the oral stage of development which is said the be the psychology behind hard smoking habits. Those elongated licorice roots are actually being prescribed to these smokers as an alternative to cigarettes.
After a meal, you might want to pop some black licorice into your mouth as it helps in digestion. Something that falls under the retro sweets category is, in fact, more helpful because newer varieties rely on chemical flavorings instead of natural extracts of the laxative herb. There's even more reason to order those wholesale retro sweets from a wholesale retro sweetshop. For that nasty cold and sinusitis, these candies can work wonders by loosening mucus in your nose and throat. If you're trying to lose weight, have licorice candy in handy as it has a property that tends to inhibit weight gain.
Liquorice Wood, Liquorice Torpedoes, Lions Midget Gems, Liquorice Wands ... if these ring a bell, don't stall and start filling those cupboards with these tasty and healthful retro sweets. Licorice is also a great way to introduce an online wholesale retro sweetshop to your kids where they can conveniently choose among vast supplies of those very candies you loved when you were a kid. Now, it's their time.
Posted by Aquarterof at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How to Remove Gum Stains
Everybody who's had to keep their homes clean know how annoying chewing gum can be on carpets. Mothers are especially privy to this problem and it's not a surprise that they are. Children are naturally inclined to be such chewers and careless disposers of gums. Sometimes, these sweets end up under chairs, on tables and practically everywhere. But when they end up on carpets, that's when they can be really nasty.
While chewing gum can be one of the most difficult things to remove from a carpet, it usually gets easy if you know the little tricks and strategies you can try. One of these is using your ever reliable hair dryer. It works by heating the gum, although you'd like to watch that heat. Too much of it can burn that particular stained portion of your carpet and that would spell more trouble. Another trick is to get a good grip of the still soft part of the chewing gum using a plastic wrapper where it can stick and it's easier for you to pull it. While this can take a bit more time, it usually delivers for most types of gums.
There's yet another strategy around that gum on your carpet and you'll find this quite interesting. If you thought your liniment only worked to soothe your muscles, think again. They can be your best tools against gum. That's because an ingredient it contains, methyl slicylate, somehow reacts chemically with the gum which then allows it to detach from a surface pretty much on its own. You simply need to “assist” it by using your good old reliable plastic wrap to pull the gum. You may not get all of it at once but you can always take it off a little at a time until everything is gone. That particular spot on the carpet which you soaked with the liniment could be cleaned using detergent and warm water. You'll want to rinse off those suds, though, and be sure to blot-dry that particular area. If you leave the detergent to dry without being rinsed off, it's going to make the carpet fibers stiff and you won't be very happy with the results.
There are actually different types of gums available and since they have a mixture of many different ingredients, some of them will probably be harder to remove than the others. There are those wholesale retro sweets varieties which you could get from a wholesale retro sweet shop. There are also the newer brands which you could get from Walmart or any department store. If there's one particular type of gum that's been stuck on your carpet for days, you can ask your child what gum that was and look it up on the Internet. You'll surely find tips on how to remove that clingier-than-usual gum off those fibers.
As a mother, you probably loved gums as well when you were that little girl. You could probably even remember trooping down to that candy store with jars and jars of those old-fashioned sweets you so adored. Don't worry, you can get wholesale retro sweets yourself if you're feeling a little nostalgic. And then perhaps, you can extend a little patience to your kid when he says he accidentally dropped that gum on your carpet. Maybe he did.
Posted by Aquarterof at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Retro Sweets Are Good For You
Each time you imagine locking yourself up in a roomful of sweets, especially the ones you grew up with and could never seem to outgrow, you drool instantly and secretly wish it was for real. Why does it feel like indulging in all that candy goodness is such a crime? Our parents lovingly smothered us with those retro sweets when we were little and yet we were raised in the mindset that these sweets weren't very good for us. But here's what. Researchers are changing everything one little step at a time.
If this sounds interesting, it is. You may like sweets but you'll love the fact that chewing gum and even chocolate can actually whiten your teeth. Proof enough that those orders you placed at that online retro sweetshop weren't that sinful, after all. Of course, there are other natural teeth whiteners such as celery, strawberries, pineapple and even popcorn but those that satisfy our sweet tooth are always more important.
Chocolates, on the other hand, are so adorable especially when you know they can save you from a heart attack. A study conducted by the American Dietetic Association showed that low-calorie chocolate bars containing plant sterols could actually help to lower bad cholesterol. The study involved male and female volunteers whose cholesterol levels were noted to be abnormally high. The subjects were split into two sets, the first one having chocolate bars and, the other, placebos. Turned out the group that ate chocolate bars twice a day showed bad cholesterol or LDL levels reduced more significantly than those who had the placebo. High levels of LDL has been associated with a number of heart ailments which also happen to be the reason for at least half of health-related deaths in Europe. However, with some good old reliable sweets such as your ever favorite chocolates, it's probably not a very tough thing to deal with.
Those of us who couldn't imagine life without these sweets couldn't be happier to find a side to them that makes them legal to hoard. But it doesn't mean you should stop brushing your teeth or reduce the number times you do in a day. Of course, these are still sugars and sugars can still damage your teeth. You can eat those chocolate bars and leave their good effects to happen internally. This means anything outside, such as your mouth and teeth, should be rinsed with water after eating or better yet, teeth should be brushed as usual.
Aside from your personal not-anymore-so-sinful consumption, candies make such sweet giveaways at kids' birthdays and weddings. What's great is you can buy modern or old-fashioned sweets from a wholesale sweet shop which only means you can get those goodies at really great discounts. Who knows, you might be inspired to open your own candy shop - maybe another wholesale retro sweets store or anything that allows you to share your passion for sweets in the sweetest ways possible.
Labels: retro sweetshop, wholesale sweets
Posted by Aquarterof at 4:23 AM 0 comments
All That Hard Candy Goodness
All candy lovers in the world have a fancy for sugar candy, also known as hard candy, in all its divine forms and goodness. Thanks to its rich solution of sugar and mouthwatering flavors, these candies are such lovely creations for the palate that never fail to make anyone smile. All over the world, hard candy has been a staple in every happy childhood and though mom often disapproves, kids always manage to help themselves generously to their passion for these glorious sweets.
Candy or sweets are two terms which could take many different meanings. Licorice is candy, chewing gums are candy, caramel is candy, nougat and marshmallow are candy and so is the famous favorite of all generations, chocolate. All these are sweets and whether they come as retro or any of those new varieties, they're generally known as confectionery or simply, sweets.
The mere mention of sugar could drive every mom crazy thinking this would do nothing but destroy her poor child's teeth. Actually, children's craving for candies are not harmful as long they brush their teeth regularly. In fact, there's more to satisfying a sweet tooth when it comes to kids' passion for sugar. Growing as they are, they will need all that energy to be able to sustain a healthy pattern of growth and development. Sugar is energy and without it, this growth and development will surely be compromised to a considerable extent.
Besides, children are naturally restless and adventurous which are two things they need to be in order to discover new things. Without the extra energy provided by sugar, a child just might have limited room for learning. If only every mom knew about this, she would probably make a habit of buying wholesale retro sweets in order to keep a constant stock for her children.
Besides, hard candy has a lot less calories compared to most other softies such as a caramel-filled chocolate bar, for example. This average-sized candy bar will probably have a minimum of 1000 calories while a lollipop would not even come close to a quarter of that. In fact, if you're thinking of losing weight, and this is not for kids, you'll definitely appreciate a hard candy to satisfy that sweet tooth in you. That's because even with its low-calorie content, its concentrated flavors are usually enough to give those cravings a nice level of satisfaction. For an adult trying to lose weight, this could be a new consideration.
Whether you're feeling up for that sugar for the taste or simply for a little nostalgia with those retro sweets you grew up with, hard candy would usually be the better option. And with a wholesale retro sweet shop that's completely armed with all those hard candies you simply adored as a kid, you will not be disappointed.
Labels: retro sweetshop, wholesale sweets
Posted by Aquarterof at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Market of Retro Sweets
It's no secret how candy prices have risen recently. If you adore them but are worried about their future, you're probably wondering how manufacturers will survive without compromising on value. Things have gotten as bad as standards being considered for a lowering just to save on cost. Right now, the standards dictate that pure chocolate must have at least 50-60% cocoa butter with vegetable fat filling the gap just so a product could be sold cheaper.
You need not watch the news to know about these developments. Just going to your local sweets shop will show you what's happening to your favorites candies. Every online candy store and wholesale retro sweetshop is affected and though candies will always be with us for a long time, it would be great not to have them with a pinch. New shops are handling competition by with online campaigns while they vie for top search engine rankings. This can get tough with only ten spots on Google's front page. More challenging even is the fact that results keep changing and resources to do these campaigns aren't getting cheaper. For this reason, store owners are constantly on their toes trying to outdo each other in giving the best to consumers. Of course, this will reflect on selling prices.
It's getting harder and harder to survive in the wholesale candy business. As supply costs increase, more suppliers emerge with the environment getting more and more competitive. Even wholesale retro sweets, which have long established their names around world, have to be marketed with fresh, innovative ideas to ensure that they keep up with the challenge of newer brands. All the more, suppliers are putting a premium on consumer satisfaction and friendly relations.
Most wholesale suppliers now go the extra mile by offering wider varieties of both retro sweets and newer candies. Varieties in pricing are also offered to provide customers with more options as to the quantity of their purchase. From gums to hard candy to chocolate bars and everything in between, there are package options that will make buying these candies more satisfying and customized to the customer's need.
Fortunately, the Internet has made things a whole lot easier for suppliers selling both wholesale retro sweets and newer products to offer their stocks at very affordable prices. Even with the price hikes in candies in general, consumers have found respite by buying online where they are offered wide ranges of sweets and at prices that remain easy on the budget.
Buying online can make one save up to half of what candies would normally cost in supermarkets and other traditional candy stores. For this reason, more and more people are taking advantage of the Internet which can be the sweetest place to satisfy those sweet cravings.
Posted by Aquarterof at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Retrosweets In A Comeback
Anybody who has a passion for candies knows that they've been around for quite a long time. Centuries, to be exact, are how long people have enjoyed this sweetness of life. Back then, these sugar delights were used in combination with herbs and spices to create medicines for those who were sick. Now, anybody looking into their history will surely find old-fashioned sweets that they could relate to back when these candies made their childhood so much sweeter. Remembering that particular period also convinces us more that no era has ever been as glorious for the sweet-hunting taste of youth as those years when they made retro sweets. Remember wham bars and caramacs and space dust bonbons?
These days, people are getting a fresh appreciation of these beloved sweets from way back the seventies and early eighties. Probably this is all because those who spent their childhood adoring those good old candies are all grown up and pining for those sweet memories. Maybe this age group is simply looking for a way to recapture that old sweetness that their childhood was all about. This has led to a boom in the wholesale retro sweets market which even the younger generation is beginning to be acquainted with. And no doubt they're loving it.
One thing that most baby boomers love the comeback is the memory of those traditional sweets shops that displayed their candies in big transparent jars. Until recently, the spirit of that fun and excitement a kid looked forward to when visiting a local sweets store was gone. The resurrection of these old candies, now usually found online, is very much welcome. Hopefully, all this renewed fascination for the concept of a candy store with a warm and sweet counter person who's ever eager to hand each sugar-hungry little kid his bagful of sweets will hopefully stay for good.
If you belong to that lucky generation of kids who enjoyed the so-called glory days of candy, miss those sweets no more as they are definitely making a comeback. With the help of the Internet, you can order your favorite retro sweets online from any wholesale retro sweet shop. Now, you can relive the heavenly taste of gobstoppers, sherbets, bonbons and the others that made your childhood the sweetest it could be. What's nice about this comeback is the availability of wholesale retro sweets which makes this beloved pleasure extra affordable. These retro sweets would also make great gifts for friends and family, especially kids who will love the fact that they've had the chance to enjoy the best of candy world just as mom and dad did.
Posted by Aquarterof at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
How Retro Sweets Prevent Miscarriage
If you're pregnant and just as crazy about chocolates than ever, you'll definitely love it that those cravings just might be good for you and your unborn baby. A new study shows that eating these sweets everyday just might reduce the possibility of a miscarriage, even for those who are struggling or have struggled with morning sickness during their first three months on the way. What's even more surprising is the study's finding that the more pronounced a woman's morning sickness is, the less chances she has of having problems with the pregnancy.
Even consumer health campaigners are spreading word about chocolate being a “healing food” that could help prevent major illnesses such as cancer and improve body systems such as those involving energy levels and internal organ functions. What would be at the center of this recent discovery is the need for genuine cacao to be used in manufacturing the candies. Whether modern or retro sweets, the chocolates should not be all fat and sugar. With real cacao, one is able to enjoy the richness of chocolate while giving the body nourishment. Pregnant women, who are known to have mood swings and the tendency to be lethargic, are particularly benefited with their moods and energy levels improved.
Along with this study about chocolates is the finding that there is no link between pregnant women working full time and miscarriage. This explains that whether or not she opts to continue working, her chances of a normal delivery will not be affected. In fact, even those whose jobs required a little amount of stress such as standing for more than a few hours a day would not be hurt. Naturally though, the study established that the greater the amount of stress a pregnant woman is exposed to, the higher her risk of a miscarriage.
Furthermore, researchers found that pregnant women whose partners were over 45 were years old more likely to have a miscarriage than those whose babies' fathers were younger. Women who were short of the normal weight range before being their pregnant state also turned out to be more at risk by more than fifty percent during their first trimester.
Studies on the the factors involved in miscarriage are ongoing and while more and more risks are discovered, pregnant women are encouraged to work closer with their prenatal care physicians to ensure a normal and risk-free pregnancy and delivery.
As for chocolates, whether they come as retro sweets or modern versions and no matter if they were bought at Walmart or a wholesale sweet shop, they will always be special to us, pregnant or not.
Posted by Aquarterof at 4:16 AM 0 comments
For The Love of Retro Chocolates
There's absolutely no question about chocolates being one of the most special candies we have around. Retro sweets or modern versions, these beloved brown delights are unmatched when they come in those mysterious boxes that we just couldn't stop thinking about until we've opened them. There's probably nobody in the world who can sleep knowing there's a big box outside waiting for a digging in. And think about those exciting fillings! Nobody sure can resist chocolates and that's a fact.
If you're one of those baby boomers who just can't get enough of those mouthwatering sweeties during their golden age, don't worry. There's a wholesale retro sweet shop that's completely equipped to recreate that scenario when you just couldn't get that mouth to stop munching on your favorite sweets. Except for that part when you'd troop to that store on foot with your neighborhood gang while you stood in amazement each time new varieties of your favorite chocolates were displayed in those giant transparent jars. Ah, memories.
And don't worry about being sorry that this retro sweets shop won't have that chocolate you've been imagining about. Supplies are vast and there's little room for disappointment. Whether you're obsessing about a smooth and creamy bar or something dark and bittersweet, that craving will not be in vain.
These days, there's still an abundance of all those chocolates we drooled over when we were such candy fanatics. And maybe we still are today. Those old-fashioned sweets may now be mass-produced now, but their characteristic creaminess and tastiness are anything but gone. While they used to be a taste that only the elite could enjoy, everybody today can hoard cupboards of chocolates and be lost in all their chocolate passions.
Who could resist that chocolate literally melting in the warmth of your mouth? If it ever made you ask how or why it does, nothing more than the melting point of cocoa butter being slightly lower than your body temperature could be the simplest explanation. That creamy goodness is something that no human being must be deprived of. Or then again, would anybody allow himself not to experience chocolate? Not only is chocolate a certified favorite among Americans. It's a worldwide phenomenon and if surveys are right, more than sixty percent of the world's population can't imagine going through their childhood without these lovely treats.
If you loved to sink your teeth into those Caramacs when you were a kid, sink them into the wonderful business opportunity that wholesale retro sweets can open up for you. Buying in bulk will give you a lot cost savings so you can put up your own retail shop and introduce it to the younger generation. Surely, you won't be disappointed. Those old-fashioned sweets are making their comeback and you'd love the chance of being part of it.
Posted by Aquarterof at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Retro Sweets - Your Chocolate Highness!
These days, there are more and more reasons candies just might be more than sugar as we know them to be. Retro sweets or modern varieties, chocolates have particularly gained more respect with studies proving they have more health benefits aside from providing extra energy for children. Now, these chocolates can be antioxidants and anti-hypertensive agents which work both for kids and adults alike.
It has been found that dark chocolate as an antioxidant actually eats up free radicals and other destructive elements known to contribute to heart ailments. Milk chocolate does not exhibit the same ability, though, with findings showing that milk actually stops the full absorption of the chocolate's antioxidants and could even block what good that the chocolate may have to offer.
The study involved six hypertensive men and women who showed signs of reduced blood pressure after going through a regimen that needed them to eat a daily average of 100 grams of dark chocolate for one set as control variable and the same amount of milk chocolate for the other set as experimental variable. After the study, those who consumed dark chocolate showed improved blood pressure while those that ate milk chocolate didn't exhibit any significant improvements.
A second batch consisted of seven healthy men and women were made to eat dark chocolate on the first day, chocolate with a small glass of whole milk on the second day, and milk chocolate on the third day. The subjects' blood samples were analyzed an hour after they consumed the assigned food each day of the experiment and results from the first day, when they ate only dark chocolates, showed significantly higher amounts of antioxidants in their blood compared to those on the other days.
If you're asking what it is in dark chocolate that makes it healthy to eat, plant phenols are it, particularly cocoa phenols which are proven blood pressure reducers. European chocolates are known to be very abundant in these phenols which are responsible for their darker color. Generally, the darker the chocolate, the healthier it is.
Still, health professionals say that's not a reason to start binging on these luscious sweets. This means even if you eat them for health reasons, you're still going to need to exercise or balance your diet by consuming less calories from other sources.
Whether you're thinking of stocking up on these dark chocolates for health reasons or otherwise, you'll have great varieties to choose from at a wholesale retro sweetshop where you can get those old-fashioned sweets at lower prices. When you buy wholesale retro sweets, you buy in bulk that's why there's always great room for cost savings.
Posted by Aquarterof at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Behind Those Sweets
When you give away a candy bouquet, you’re actually giving away a part of yourself. Most probably, you’re expressing the way you feel about a person or persons special to you. This bouquet of sweets is, in fact, a very versatile present that is casual and very easy to personalize. If you’re the creative type who wants to do something unique each time, you can try giving a retro sweets bouquet. And don’t worry, a retro sweetshop will help you make a great impression with this gift you plan to give.
People will usually think of creating these candy arrangements to show love, gratitude or appreciation or to simply say hello. When you give a present, you’ll usually want it to stand out and those old-fashioned sweets will do just that for you. Remember Dip Dabs? Caramac? Coconut Rolls? Blackjacks? Sugar Mice? Porky Pig? Space Dust? Yes, they are still very much available these days at any retro sweetshop. They were absolute hits during the 70’s towards the 80’s and if you want your candy bouquet to be a hit, you’ve got to have these certified sweet tooth-blazing retro sweets whose flavors are even fuller with all that sprinkling of memories from the good old days.
Now imagine what these sweets can do to somebody who’s in the hospital trying to get better from an illness or maybe anyone whose spirits simply need a lift. With those old-fashioned sweets, you’ll never go wrong. They won’t even be like flowers that have to go by a certain color scheme. With a candy bouquet, you just take everything you could get your hands and fancy on and play them up with ribbons, colored paper, even candles and anything you can think of.
Thankfully, you can find an online retro sweetshop you can partner with in pulling together your best creation yet – a sparkling and mouthwatering bundle of retro sweets in all their pretty glory.
Labels: sweets
Posted by Aquarterof at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Sweets Excellence
For every baby boomer that walks this earth, nothing could be as sweet as that era of sweets excellence. And lucky they had sweetest teeth back then. Shrimps, Floral Gums, Space Dust, Anglo Bubbly and Sherbet Pips are just some of hundreds and hundreds of tasteful delights no kid of the seventies and eighties resisted. Black jacks, caramac bars, drumstick love hearts, fruit salads, milk bottles - if you thought they’re gone, you haven’t been faithful enough to research about their continued existence.
Get ready to walk into that candy store once again. It may look different, it may be a different store altogether or it may be an online retro sweetshop, but the goodies are all the same and as mouthwatering as ever. It’s undeniable that the mere thought of those sweets sugary treats could take anyone for a drive down memory lane. Remember sneaking from mom on a Sunday afternoon just to get some jelly babies from that candy store on the corner? You had to sneak because that was all you did all day – get candies (and you were supposed to be napping.) Remember that old tree house where you took a girl for your first date while you munched on those licorice and aniseed balls? You’ll probably agree that as far as your childhood was concerned, nothing could have made it sweeter than those good old-fashioned sweets.
Now if your sweet tooth hasn’t outlived you yet, if it will, you have the Internet to thank. Many sites are now devoted to those heavenly candies and their supplies are vast. In fact, there’s probably no candy you loved back then that you won’t find again now. When it comes to rekindling your love affair with sweets, those online retro sweetshops are your ticket.
Whether you’re making a candy bouquet for someone or filling a whole cupboard for personal consumption, it will be a fun affair. If have kids, you can make them choose among hundreds of options online or off. Tell them a short story about each one they get their eyes (and soon their tongues) on. Tell them how you fancied Space Dust or how you almost missed a day in school because your jaws ached from a whole day of chewing
Smooth Cola Bottles. Let them in on how it was when you were a kid and thought sweets would solve famine in Africa (at least for kids.) They’ll find you cute and love you more!
You’ll find retro candy stores downtown or in supermarkets but if you don’t want to leave room for disappointment (from knowing they don’t have what you’re looking for), take advantage of technology and buy from an online retro sweetshop where stocks are extensive.
Posted by Aquarterof at 8:54 PM 0 comments
A Sweet Sweets History
The world has seen innumerable sweets come and go through the years and it’s almost difficult to come up with an accurate picture of how the industry actually grew from when and where it started. However, looking back just may be a fun and sweet thing to do.
Whitman Chocolates first hit the market in 1800’s. And then on Valentine’s day, Richard Cadbury came out with the first-ever box of chocolates. By 1898, the Goelitz Confectionery Company’s candy corn took the market by storm and has done so longer than any other candy ever invented.. And then there’s Juicy Fruit and Wrigley's Spearmint Chewing Gum which debuted in 1893, followed three years later by Tootsie Rolls as introduced by Leo Hirshfield of New York.
By the 1900s, Hershey’s chocolate bar became a hit after it was introduced by Milton Hershey of Pensylvannia. It is, in fact, considered one of the oldest candy bars that continue to be such favorites these days. A year later, pure peppermint stick candy "The King Leo" became popular. At about the same time, NECCO or New England Confectionery Company wafers, those colorful candy disks, came out in the market, later became known as the "first conversation heart" and carries on today as a Valentine’s Day staple.
In 1905, the Squirrel Nut Zipper became the first peanut bar ever made. A year later, Hershey Bar Chocolate Kisses became popular in those silver foil wraps. Peppermint flavored Life Savers became favorites by 1912. And then came the Goo Goo Clusters with such great combinations of milk chocolate, caramel, marshmallow and peanuts.
In the 1920’s, the first retail candy store surfaced in Chicago with candy bars that still make us drool today - Baby Ruth, the Milky Way, Bit-O-Honey and Milk Duds, among others. And then there was the Snicker Bar in 1930. Then the first so-called “novelty candies” came out as Tootsie Roll Pops which were a combination of two candies rolled into one.
In 1990, MARS Candy Bar was given a new name. It now became Snickers Almond Crunch which had exactly the same taste with only the name changing. The Musketeers Bar, with its three-flavor goodness composed of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry nougats, first came out in 1932 and lasted for thirteen years. Cinammon-heavy Red Hots came out in 1932, followed by Hershey’s Miniatures. By the 1940’s, the public raved about the first M&M's" Plain Chocolate candies which, after fifty-nine years, were renamed simply as M & M’s . Then came Smarties candy roll wafers, Junior Mints, and E! Bubble Bubble Gum Cigars.
By the 1950’s, the candy industry was in a slump with only three new brands introduced, the Marshmallow Peeps (Just Born, Inc.), Bobs Candy Canes, and Candy Necklaces, a retro sweet classic. Then, healthy candy became a hot topic in 1960. M&M Mars came out with Starburst Fruit Chews which later contained Vitamin C. Blammo, the world first sugar-free bubble gum, came out along with Lemonheads, Apple Heads, Grape Heads and Orange Heads. Sweetarts were in the picture by 1963. And then came the Jelly Bellies in 1976, gummy bears and gummy worms, Twix Caramel Cookie Candy Bar, Skittle Bite Size candies, DOVE Dark Chocolate and DOVE Milk Chocolate Bars, Starburst Jelly Beans and the Snickers Munch Bar. Of course, the Hershey Company wouldn’t be left in the race. They came out with Reeses Pieces after they made waves with their Reese Peanut Butter Cups.
The candy industry has been around longer than all of us and it’s nice to know where those sweets that played a huge part in our childhood take root. Thankfully, most of these candies, particularly the retro sweets, are still very much available in any retro sweetshop you can find online and off.
Labels: retro sweets, wholesale sweets
Posted by Aquarterof at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Candy Bars – It’s A Sweets Life!
If you have a passion for sweets, you know that candy bars are such special treats. Whether it’s a modern brand or one of those fabulous retro sweets, candy bars are always such adorable candies with cocoa butter, sugar and milk being the main ingredients. These sweets are also classified as white, milk and dark chocolate. What adds to the already full flavor of these sweets are such ingredients as vanilla extracts and soy lecithin. Whether you get them from a retro sweetshop or the supermarket, these bars are always a lovely treat. And they come in varieties, some with fruits and nuts and others with caramel, marshmallows and even coconut.
A really delectable variety is orange flavored sugar coated chocolates which are some of the most favorite sweets you can find around. Some chocolates are also combined with egg bits, some with fruits which are certified favorites among the more famous retro sweets. Some have a combination of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla with a really adorable nougat right at the center. Some bars have crispy rice and caramel. Wherever your buy your sweets, from the retro sweetshop or at a modern candy store, these lovely concoctions are always a pleasure to the palate.
And that’s not all. Imagine your chocolate bar with almond bits and screaming with honeysweet goodness. How lovely it must be to simply thrive on sweets! If you want a more filling candy, get some of those that come with biscuit inside, not to mention a tempting coat of caramel and milk chocolate.
Old-fashioned sweets are particularly extra good because they bring lots of memories back when we were such candy monsters. Remember that retro sweetshop you used to frequent? It probably wasn’t retro back then and it probably doesn’t exist now.
It’s simply great to know that they still make those mouthwatering retro sweets these days. And what’s great is you can find them online. This should make your candy hunting extra sweet and special.
Posted by Aquarterof at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Ah, That Sweets Goodness!
While candies have been making life sweeter for people for centuries, it’s quite interesting to know that they once started out as medicinal cures. “Sweets” used to be combinations of herbs, spices and sugar and they were supposed to make ill people well. In the 70’s and 80’s, kids enjoyed what appeared to be the best generation of sweets ever, minus the medicinal herbs, and today we call them retro sweets.
There’s no question why these old-fashioned candies are becoming so special all over again. Those who remember their childhood by Flying Saucers, Chocolate Footballs, Space Dust, Sherbet, Licorice and more are all grown up and pining for those memories once made their lives a candy. If you’re one of those baby boomers who defined happy after-school afternoons as quick trips to a neighborhood candy store, you’ll love the fact that they’re back. Maybe not the same store owners but the concept is back.
In fact, you’ll find a retro sweetshop on the Internet and while you might have to skip making those trips to the store with the rest of your candy-crazed gang, you’ll be able to taste that same old sweetness again. A few click of your mouse is all you need to order those favorite treats you probably even went to bed with after brushing your teeth (and mom never knew). Whether you’re craving for Drumsticks, Fizzers and Love Hearts, Parma Violets, Candy Necklaces or Bonbons, you can have that crateful of nostalgia right at your door.
If you have children of your own, those old-fashioned sweets could be great to share your childhood stories over. They’ll love the fact that you’re taking time to bond with them by sharing those candy stories and more. Tell them about those scuffed elbows and your wide-eyed amazement each time you entered that sweets store where you’ve seen those candy-stuffed transparent jars for at least the nth time. They’ll love those stories but most of all, they’ll love it that you’re letting them in on how heavenly it must be to be born to a generation when candies were at their best. After all, they’ll want to taste as they’ll hear. What could be better than that?
There could be many reasons for craving for those good old sweets but if you simply haven’t gotten over them, don’t worry. There’s an online retro sweetshop that can satisfy every little sweet tooth you’ve got and keep it secret.
Posted by Aquarterof at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Treat That Is Licorice
When you talk about retro sweets, you’re not making sense unless you mention licorice. We’ve all had our time with this candy at some point in our lives. When we were kids, we probably thought that was all they were - candy. Little did we know that those sweet vines were actually medicine. Of course, they couldn’t have meant more to us than as sweets.
The mere mention of the vine is usually enough to overwhelm anybody with memories of their youth. But it actually has a lengthier and more meaningful history. Back when things were all natural and medicines were pulled from people’s backyards, this plant was already famous. Ancient Egyptians and warriors combined it in their drinks because they believed it made them strong. Count in the pharaohs and kings who mixed it in their tea, medicine and even in their alcoholic drinks. Best of all, they had it as candy and the retro generation probably have them to thank.
Many wise men of past centuries also relied on this vine for stamina while its healing properties became more and more evident. Today, tea makers use its root to provide relief to common conditions such as coughs, colds, hyperacidity and dyspepsia.
Of course, we wouldn’t be talking about licorice if not for its penchant for making us feel all sweet and nostalgic. Those retro candies that the baby boomers enjoyed and the younger generations are getting acquainted with were created by the Chicago-based American Licorice Company in 1914. That was the year Black Vines debuted before they evolved into those chewy favorites such as Licorice Snaps, Black Scotties, Good and Plenty and Allsorts.
Remember how we loved it when dad came home Friday evenings with a bagful of sweets for us? We loved him even more for that. Now that those old-fashioned sweets are making a comeback (although they were never really gone), why not have it the other way around? I’m sure it would be a perfect way to show our appreciation for that extra sweetness he reserved for us back when we were little.
While licorice has been around for centuries, whether as sweets or medicinal herb, we know we love it most for the wonderful things they remind us of. Grandma, who never failed to bring us a bagful she came over, hanging out in the park with equally licorice- addicted kids, even mom who tried so hard not to mind that it was still candy (even if it had medicinal properties) – these are memories we’ll always keep in our hearts.
The good news is, you can still get licorice at any retro sweetshop these days.
Posted by Aquarterof at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sharing Sweet Memories
Deciding on a present to give someone who has a sweet tooth may not be a job too easy. You know they adore anything sugary, only they can’t seem to find the time to pick up some. Why not do it for them? You’ll have to be prepared though because when you talk of sweets, you talk a whole universe of options.
Retro sweets, in particular, make perfect choices because they’re not only sweet for the tongue. They also bring back a lot of sweet memories. Remember Gobstoppers, Bassetti Liquorice Sticks, Kali (and Crystals), Drumsticks, Fizzers and Love Hearts, Parma Violets, Candy Necklaces (and Watches!) and Sugar Mice? Or Sherbet Lemons, Pascalls Kola Kubes, Sherbet Pips, Coltsfoot Rock, Wham Bars, Bonbons, White Chocolate Fish & Chips and mouth-explosive Space Dust?! If your mouth’s watering right now, imagine what it would be like to receive them! Don’t worry, there will be a retro sweetshop that will gladly help you in your sweet cause.
To make things even sweeter, why not personalize your label and attach a heart-melting note? Whether you’re making a candy bouquet or stashing everything into a jar, adding your personal touch always makes a difference. Those old-fashioned sweets should also make up for what little time anyone can manage to spend time with old friends. Just the sight of those colorful wrappers will surely bring a wave of nostalgia that anyone can appreciate.
You probably thought those sweets you adored as a kid aren’t around anymore, but you’ll love the surprise that they haven’t vanished. If you’re thinking of throwing a party for your own kiddos, how else better to share those treasured memories than by having them munch, chew and lick those very thingies you once couldn’t get enough of.
If you’re planning a reunion with old neighborhood friends, retro sweets will be your fastest route to those days. Make sure you have a bottomless supply of those candies you all went crazy about while hanging out in the park or in treetops. You can play music you used to dance your hearts out to or those bands you wished could have been you. Of course, because you’re all grown-up now, you’re going to need a fizzle that’s not Space Dust.
Whether you’re pulling off a retro bash for your kid or pooling sweets for a candy bouquet, retro sweets are guaranteed to set off an explosion of sweetness and nostalgia that humans of all ages will love.
Posted by Aquarterof at 5:03 AM 0 comments
How Retro Sweets Make Your Wedding Extra Sweeter
If you want something unique and sweet on your wedding, how about candy buffets as wedding favors? In particular, get your guests a great assortment of retro sweets that will bring them down memory lane in an instant. Yes, those old-fashioned sweets can work that fast. They can just reach for what catches their fancy in candy containers you can spread out in your venue. For sure, they won’t only remember those times they spent trooping to their neighborhood sweetshop when they were kids. They will remember you and your spouse on the day you reminded them of those fun days.
Getting those sweets is not a problem at all, if that’s what you’re thinking. In fact, you can just log on to the Internet and place orders from an online retro sweetshop and they will bring your orders to your door. Just don’t forget to make your candies’ wrappers’ colors match your color scheme so that everything blends well. Actually, you can experiment with those old-fashioned sweets. With the many colors they come in, it must be very exciting setting up your bouquet alone. What more eating them! You can have flowers arranged with the sweets plus ribbons. This will surely be a standout and your guests will not be able to resist complimenting you for your unique idea.
This is also the time to have those creative juices flowing. Think out of the box. Get all sorts of sweets you can think of - lollipops, gummy bears, candy jewelry and everything you think you could assemble marvelously together. It should be nice to have as many varieties as you can or you can get a few and “paint” a nice design with each type composing the each portion. Your guests will also appreciate those giveaway jars brimming with those mouthwatering old-fashioned sweets which are even laced with sweeter memories of their youth.
Just because you’re going through a traditional ceremony such as a wedding doesn’t mean you can’t experiment with things. And you can count on your online retro sweetshop to partner with you in making your wedding as unique and special as possible to last you and your spouse years upon years of sweetness!
Posted by Aquarterof at 2:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Protein Bars or Sweets?
Did it ever occur to you that those protein bars you always thought were health bars were actually just falsely hyped sweets? Yes, it is possible. While you’re confident that what munching on gives you less than a hundred calories, you could actually be in for a surprise. And you wonder why you haven’t been losing any significant amount of weight when you’ve been solely on that bar for a month.
A lot, if not most, protein bars are presented to the market as health bars but they could actually be sweets you could get from any store or retro sweetshop online. Because they’re candies, they’re naturally stuffed with candy ingredients - sugar for the most part. When consumed in reasonable amounts, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with candies, whether they’re retro sweets, modern versions or what have you. However, making people believe something is what it isn’t is a completely different matter. If anything, it’s deception that does a great disservice to legitimate health bar makers, even to sweets manufacturers and most especially to the trusting public.
If you’re going to spend a little time researching on the ingredients of certain so-called health bars, you’ll find that most of them are laden with high fructose corn syrup. This is sugar you’ll find in most sweets and if you’re on a diet, you’ll meet disaster in the face with HCFCS. Sometimes, you’re blown away by discovering that what you always thought was a slimming bar actually has trans fats from artificial hydrogenated oils. This is both a deceitful and despicable business practice, if not a crime, that the buying public should never tolerate.
If your health bars are going to be this shadowy, might as well succumb to those cravings for sweets by actually buying your favorite candies. It doesn’t mean you should eat tons of them. And for a dose of your childhood memories as well, get retro sweets from a retro sweetshop online and have everything shipped to you conveniently.
Posted by Aquarterof at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Retro Sweets That You Can’t Resist
There are things we normally lose to time - age, some friendships, grandma’s hug when she was still alive, and those old-fashioned sweets we thought we couldn’t live without. Or wait, not those sweets. Those trips to the neighborhood sweets store where we asked for a quarter of almost everything we could lay our eyes on and drool over, Space Dust, Gobstoppers, Sweet Tobacco, Sugar Mice, Sherbet Fountains – ring a bell? No, we haven’t lost those sweets to time and we’re not talking about memories. We’re talking about real live retro sweets the way they made them back when we loved to hoard them in those brown paper bags and munched and licked and chewed and chomped them like crazy! Yup, retro sweets are here to stay.
If you loved Fruit Salad with its classic yellow and pink wrapper, fall in love with those famous raspberry-pineapple sweets all over again. Those original giant Drumsticks aren’t getting smaller in size nor in satisfaction. And didn’t you worship those Cherry Lips back when they painted your mouth red and with a little perfumey flavour? These Lips happen to be still some of the most requested retro sweets today. And those Foiled Ice Cups still fill your tongue with those tiny chocolate thingies wrapped in tin foils that give your mouth a nice wave of cold that you so adored. This sweetshop list is, of course, far from exhaustive but it works to transport you back to that time when life was such a big ball of candy.
The good news is, yes, we haven’t lost those old-fashioned sweets to time nor distance. In fact, there’s a good number of sweetshops dedicated to that whole era of our lives when we thought we never wanted to grow old because life was so… sweet. And maybe we were right. But no worries because these days, those candies we couldn’t get enough of as kids are as adorable and still available in extensive arrays in vast supply chains worldwide. Most store owners are even selling their retro sweets wholesale to different varied markets from corporate to individual. If anything, this only proves that this whole fascination for all things sweet and retro is a universal language that we all speak in unison.
Posted by Aquarterof at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Essential Retro Sweets You Must Stock In Your Traditional Sweetshop
It was my love of old fashioned sweets that inspired me to open my very own sweetshop. It was always my childhood dream... after all they always talk about being as ‘happy as a child in a sweetshop’.
I remember, with great fondness, stopping off at our local sweetshop on the way to school. I spent many a happy hour deciding which sweets would find their way into my little white paper bag. The choice seemed almost endless... from pear drops to kali, sherbet lemons to strawberry bootlaces.
And there can be no doubt that, in the same way that fashions from the 1970s and 1980s keep coming back, there is currently resurgence in the love of nostalgic sweets.
People even ask me if the stock in my shop is left over from these decades... and if so, can the sweets still be eaten!
I give a wry smile. Although the massive majority of sweets that we sell aren’t generally available these days, the manufacturers still make many of the old favorites. Finding them though has been very difficult - that is until the advent of the Internet.
I’m often asked, by people who are thinking of opening a quaint little village sweetshop or a stall on a market, which of the old classics they should be stocking. So here is the list, I have come up with, of the top 5 sweets that no self-respecting old-fashioned sweetshop should be without (I’ve assumed that everyone would include classics like Flying Saucers, Sherbet Lemons, Aniseed Balls, Shrimps and Blackjacks - these are some old favorites that you might have forgotten):
Space Dust
Remember Space Dust? It was around initially in the late 1970s I think. It came in a sachet and when you poured it onto your tongue it started to fizz, pop and explode. And you spent the next few minutes with mouth open so that everyone around could ‘enjoy’ the crackling. Believe it or not, it is still being made and is now very trendy, used by famous chefs, such as Heston Blumenthal, in their desserts.
They seemed huge and lasted for ages. I used to keep taking mine out of my mouth so I could see what colour it had turned in to. It was always a great disappointment if had gone white but I suppose there had to be the boring while layer between the reds, yellows and, my personal favourite, the blues. And right in the very centre there was that little seed. If I wanted a sweet to make my pocket money last as long as possible, I went for a gobstopper every time!
Sugar Mice
Now these are really old school - I think it is the string tail that really does it for me, it’s just so nostalgic. After all, you hardly see string around these days anymore. And as long as you didn’t crunch, you could make them last for absolutely ages - they were second on my ‘minutes of enjoyment per penny’ list, just behind the gobstoppers.
Sweet Tobacco
It used to come in pouches, just like real tobacco, and it was known as Spanish Gold. It looked a lot like real tobacco too - shredded coconut dipped in chocolate powder. It was one of those sweets which divided people. Which was the tastier part? Was it the coconut tobacco? Or was i the lovely chocolaty powder that was left when the tobacco had all been devoured?
Sherbet Fountains
Everyone remembers the sweet... a tube of fizzy sherbet with a liquorice stick poking out of the top. But no-one can remember the name. Everyone seems to think of them as sherbet dips. But they truly are a retro sweet classic. Even people who don’t like liquorice seem to like Sherbet Fountains!
Posted by Aquarterof at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Top 5 Retro Sweets You Can’t Get Anymore But you Wish That You Could
Everyone loves sweets, and the sweets that they remember from their childhood especially.
Although not widely available, many favourites like gobstoppers, sugar mice, sherbet pips and toffee bonbons are still manufactured to this day.
But other classics have sadly become casualties of time and ‘progress’.
At our online sweetshop we are often asked what are our most requested sweets that are no longer available. Here is our top 5 list of sweets that will make you go all misty eyed but which even we can’t get anymore:
Texan Bars
Texan is our most requested chocolate bar. Texan was a chewy nougat centre covered in milk chocolate. It was made by Macintoshes (now part of Nestle).
Launched in 1975, the Texan enjoyed huge massive success until the miners strike in the 1980s. The problem, so it is believed, was that Texan Bars were manufactured in Halifax in Yorkshire, and due to the miners blockages of major roads and sites, no-one could get the ingredients to make the Texans to the factory and so production was stopped, never to restart.
That is until late 2005 when Texans were brought back for a 6 week spell in but, despite selling like hot cakes, that was that and they are again no longer available.
Aztec Bar
Made by Cadburys and, launched in 1967. We thought, wrongly so it seems, that it was launched to coincide with the 1970 World Cup (the one where Brazil scored that fabulous goal - Carlos Alberto I think). Aztec disappeared in 1978 though we’re told it reappeared briefly, just like Texans, around the year 2000.
Aztec was a bar of nougatine (think soft nougat) and caramel covered with milk chocolate. Sounds familiar? It just couldn’t compete with the biggest bar of all time - the Mars bar (Mars and Aztec sound like they were almost identical!)
Spangles were made by Mars and were launched in the 1950s. They were fruit flavoured square boiled sweets - in a tube (just like the cough sweet ‘Tunes’). They were taken off the market back in the early 1980's but they were re-introduced in the mid 1990s due to popular demand. However it seems that the buying public then remembered why they had not bought Spangles in larger quantities first time around and the sweets were withdrawn again.
There were a number of varieties of Spangles. Spangles themselves came in a tube of 5 flavours - strawberry, orange, lemon and lime, pineapple and blackcurrant. Old English Spangles were an eclectic mix of retro sweet flavours including butterscotch, pear drops, mint humbug, cough candy and liquorice.
Individually flavoured Spangles tubes were also launched over the year including Tangerine, Spearmint, Peppermint, Barley sugar and, perhaps most famously, Cola.
A bit like spearmint Opal Fruits (we refuse to call them Starburst!) and made by the same company; Mars.. They were soft and chewy and delicious. They started off all white and then the manufacturers added 3 green stripes.
And then they stopped making them in the 1980s for reasons unknown. But it certainly can’t have been because they weren’t popular.
Mint Cracknell
Another bar that we think was made by Macintoshes. It was chocolate bar that actually came in 2 pieces. It was make up of a brittle mint centre (lurid green and almost like eating shards of glass) covered in milk chocolate. Not sure when it went... but it surely did - apparently due to difficulties with production. The fact that it used to cut your tongue did not help either!!!
And if that wasn’t enough, Macintoshes also made Orange Cracknell and Coffee Cracknell - though no-one seems to remember either of those.
You can still get Mint Cracknell in South Africa we are told.
Labels: retro sweets, retro sweetshop
Posted by Aquarterof at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sweet Shops Makes It Even Sweeter
Sweet shops are regular mainstays of top stores visited by consumers in all occasions. There is no question as to what sweet shops have to offer. Sweets have been proven and tested by time, crossing beyond borders and cultures, as sure ways to brighten up someone’s day.
‘Sweets’ is the general term used for anything sweet like chocolates, candies, and jams. Sweet shops offers sweets that often come in attractive packages especially during special holidays like Halloween, Christmas and Valentines Day.
Everyone like sweets by reputable sweet shops one way or another that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. The different varieties of sweets to choose from are candies, cakes and chocolates just to name a few that can be found at any sweet shop near you.
It is often noted though that excessive intake of sweets by sweet shops can cause certain illness or deficiency such as diabetes, obesity or tooth decay. Sweets can even ruin diet programs. Well, sweet shops response to this, as denying the fact that sweets does contain sugar; it is indeed made from sugar, would not do any good, many manufacturers or sweet shops started producing low fat sweets which basically means that the sweets have the same tastes however, the sugar content was reduced.
Sweet shops do not only package sweets products for special occasions as mentioned earlier but has packaged it for everyday occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or simple daily treats.
Sweets offered by sweet shops come in different varieties everyone can have a piece of. Best sellers since day one of sweet shops are chocolates and lollipops. Candy canes and marshmallows are best during holidays. Sweet shops often packages these with attractive holiday colors. Halloween sweets are especially designed by sweet shops to match the event. It can come from different designs from spiders to jelly bones, and fangs. Sweet shops surely have gone a long way since before.
There are a couple of sweet shops you can find online. The advantage of buying sweets from these sweet shops is that you can have several choices all at one page or click, plus you can see the design and packaging right away. You can easily compare prices as well, this is especially important if you are buying in bulk. You can also explore other sweets offered by these sweet shops which you might not have come across with. Everyday, sweet shops always try to offer something new. Sweet shops even offer sweets discounts. This is why sweet shops online are best for shopping sweets. You can conveniently check out for sweet shops’ updates of the latest and discounts or promos. Sweet shopping will never be the same with these online sweet shops!
It is of course, equally important that you buy only from reputable sweet shops. If you want to get the best deal for your money, other than buying cheap sweets, quality and delicious as well as healthy sweets from sweet shops are must haves.
Labels: old fashioned sweets, retro sweets, sweet shops, sweets wholesale
Posted by Aquarterof at 12:47 AM 0 comments